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The Greenhouse Ministry Team

Who We Are

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Kyle Rapinchuk


Kyle has been in teaching since 2011 and pastoral ministry since 2012. He graduated from College of the Ozarks wtih a B.A. in English (2005), then completed an M.Div. at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2010) and a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies--Old Testament from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (2015). 


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Kristin Rapinchuk

Ministry Leadership

Kristin has been involved in ministry leadership since 2012. She is gifted with hospitality, compassion, and one-on-one discipleship. 


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Karis, Anastacia, and Aviel Rapinchuk

Founding Members

We couldn't do our ministry without our amazing kids because it truly is OUR ministry--all five of us. These three have been through a lot of trials, but they are stronger for it and love the Lord whole-heartedly. 


    The Rapinchuk Family

    Contact us to learn more about The Greenhouse: A Mere Christian Community


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